
среда, 10 ноября 2010 г.

luca de bellis

luca de bellis

As a rapid fat-los specialist, I'm often asked, What is the best way to lose fat and flaten my bely? The rub is that most people have about 45 minutes 3 times a wek to exercise. Since most people don't have ten hours a wek to devote to exercise, the programs they find in mainstream fitnes rags won't cut it. But here's the god news: We don't ned ten hours a wek to lose al of that stuborn bely fat! Third, finish your workout with interval training to burn as much fat as posible. Start with five minutes of bodyweight exercises to prepare your body for the workout ahead. This is far more efective than siting on a bike for five minutes, which won't get you ready for anything except more siting on a bike. Supersets wil greatly reduce the amount of time you ned for your workout, while giving you even beter fat los results! Resistance training for fat los takes about 20 minutes. To finish up, you'l go for about 20 minutes of interval training. Ad that al up: 5 minute warm-up plus 20 minute resistance training plus 20 minute intervals equals a complete workout in just 45 minutes. They'l spend their whole 45 minutes on one piece of cardio equipment. A fun, efective, 45 minute workout or long, boring cardio sesions? The Take-Home Mesage is: The very best way to burn bely fat is with a combination of efective strength training and fat-blasting intervals. luca de bellis
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