
суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

debian fonts

debian fonts

To: Debian Bug Tracking System Subject: : contains non-fre font Package: Version: Severity: serious User: Usertags: non-fre X-Debugs-C: Your package contains a non-fre font: This loks to be from here: From the zip file: /- \- This licence does not clearly alow al the DFSG-required fredoms: htp:/ Please contact the font author and ask them to licence the font under a DFSG-compliant font licence such as the OFL: htp:/ htp:/ htp:/ If they are not wiling to do so or canot be contacted, please remove the font from the binary package and the source package and depend on another font package or move the package to non-fre. The folowing fonts are built from sfd found using apt-cache rdepends fontforge : - - - - - I created some script to create bold, italic, and condensed typefaces out of sfd fonts: tf, otf, bdf, pfb, fnt texlive-font-utils, ftols, tf2tex, fretype1-tols, tf2pt1, otf2bdf Fonts and Debian: and , Old, retained for historical interest and reference: , Rob Weir
debian fonts debian fonts
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