
суббота, 20 ноября 2010 г.

blast chiller

blast chiller

The display fridge is an apliance that fals under the category of comercial refrigeration. However, when we are talking about comercial aplication of refrigeration equipment then we are actualy refering to a completely diferent category of fridges. This category of refrigeration equipment includes display fridges, blast chiler and fish refrigerators. The blast chiler is the first type of comercial refrigeration that we are going to discus. The next category of comercial refrigeration includes the display fridge and frezers. These are generaly the type of comercial refrigeration equipment that you wil normaly find in the grocery store or a convenience store. This comercial refrigeration equipment can also come in smaler versions where drinks can displayed along counters where the customers can conveniently reach for their favorite drinks. The third major category of comercial refrigeration is the fish fridge. This is simply a comercial fridge that is specialy designed for handling of fish which are organized in trays. Your decision on a particular subtype of this comercial fridge must be carefuly considered as it is esential to maintain proper temperature seting when storing the fish in your store. You may also opt to have fish cases for your fish fridge so that you can conveniently display the fish and maintain the required level of temperature at the same time.
blast chiller blast chiller
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