
суббота, 7 августа 2010 г.

Fitness Over 40: Massage Chairs Absolutely Gratify You | The ...

Fitness Over 40: Massage Chairs Absolutely Gratify YouFitness Over 40: Massage Chairs Absolutely Gratify You By: Steve EsquireI know, you get over 40 and now staying fit is an uphill battle. Regular massage chair therapies is the third in the secret triad.When the metabolic rate begins to drop, you will feel like you have less energy. Try to do this type of light exercise 4 to 5 times per week.Get plenty of exercise. Massage therapy is the missing link between diet and exercise. Massage therapy helps to keep the muscles resilient while reducing excess toxin build ups. With exercise comes a burning of energy and that waste needs to get flushed out.It is interesting that people think of massage as just being pampered. Massage chair therapy provides a practical way to receive consistent treatments.I think you would be quite surprised at the sophistication of massage chairs. Bring your fitness full circle with a massage chair to get your muscle soothed and relaxed for your next work out.In addition to the above recommendations both men and women of all ages, but especially over the age of 40 should exercise approximately 4 to 5 times a week for 30 minutes at a time to keep their bodies fit and their weight optimal. By combining a healthy diet, conscious fitness and massage chair therapy your body will serve you for a long time.Keep yourself in top shape even if you are over 40 with a Massage Chair. Help speed up your recovery from workouts both mentally and physically with daily use of massage therapy. Check out our full range of Massage Chairs from the top manufacturers including Omega, Sanyo and Panasonic.

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