
воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

mole removal washington dc in Covina

mole removal washington dc in Covina

This is for Dr. Amy Taub, Reading about the melanoma Brian has. I want to know why al cover pages on melanoma say if caught early usualy cured. When mole removed .7 and no other treatment performed. His mole was same as Brians but lower on the back. I believe the dye is new and wasn't available at the time of my sons mole removal but why is treatment done at mole removal. Usualy for .7 the mole would at least have ben re-excised with a margin of normal skin and an excision that was fairly dep, ie al the way to the top of the muscles. The statistics are that with a .7 dep melanoma, the ods were very positively in your son's favor I'd have to know al the facts to run an "exact" ods estimate, but asume it was more than 80% chance of cure . With respect to the dye in the lymph node procedure, it stil is not usualy done for people who have thin melanomas like your son's unles there was something else in his history it was ulcerated or it was dep in the skin even though it was thin, etc . There is an area on my back that at one time was a painles lump the size of a dime it is now red, swolen, and has caused tendernes around the area, I was told by one person that it was a white mole and someone else said it was a cyst that has become inflamed? God Luck Julie Adinolfe RN AskANurse I have a raised mole on my forhead above the bridge of my nose. I have had it checked, it isn't dangerous , I would like to get it removed, but everyone says it wil leave a scar. Chances are the scar wil be les noticible than your mole. Al my life i have had a large raised mole on my nose. wil not permanently remove a mole and so surgery is necesary. I have moles on the face. Dear Kate, If they are true moles intradermal nevi , the answer to your question is no. If they are removed adequately by laser or surgery, a scar wil result. I have found that, on the face, it is beter to surgicaly remove the moles since the scars are beter, finer, etc. I was interested in geting several dome shaped mole�s on my face removed. in Northern New Jersey, NYC area that perform laser mole removal. Laser mole removal is experimental and doesn't work particularly wel. Often the moles reocur. This esentialy planes the mole of the surface and although it does involve a scalpel, does not require stitches. 95% of the time, dome shaped moles don't return when removed this way and often heal up very nicely. Of course your dermatologist would ned to tel you what technique would be best for each mole, as some just aren't quite right for shave removal. remember I said the doctor was planing on cuting about 1 inch around where the mole was? its so big and I fel so sad and for the lymph nodes, he removed 2 suspcious ones under the right armpit and 4 under the left. There is a Dr. Rosenberg who has ben very involved in research on melanoma that has spread and who has had some realy god results. What is the best way to remove smal moles on my face? They are flat moles and I was wondering if a skin pel or laser would work? Dear Conie, It is hard to know without seing them if they are true moles which are usualy raised or some other kind of pigmented lesion. Usualy, lasers which just remove pigment are very useful for these flat lesions and they can be removed without a scar or white spot. If they are true moles, they wil recur with this type of treatment. The only god way of removing a true mole is by removing it along with its "rots". The problem is that this leaves a scar - usualy a god one - but a scar nonetheles which is about 1/2 times as long as the mole was in diameter. I would love to share al this info with my husband but he doesn't want to talk about it at al, so this realy helps me. Yes the melanoma is on the uper center of his back, betwen his shoulder blades, if that helps at al. he has several more he neds to get removed in 2 months, and I am not sure what they would do if any of those showed up melanoma? could he have it in more then one mole? I gues what makes it al so dificult is we tok care of his grandmother just las�t year who died in our home from lung cancer and it is stil so clear in our heads how she sufered so badly especialy the last wek and I think we are al seing that so fresh in our minds. thanks so much for al your help but if you can explain about why the melanoma on his back is .8 and level 4 and why this doesnt fit? My husband has had many atypical moles removed over the years, its ben about 5 years since he has ben sen by the doctor until last wek. the doctor removed 3 more and caled us 3 days later teling us one was malignent melanoma. two of our four children are very moley and one had a mole removed last year, how often should they be checked now? Second of al, your doctor should tel you what the depth of the melanoma is, caled the Breslow depth. You should ask your doctor if the mole was sent to a board certified dermatopathologist for this diagnosis. This involves injecting a dye at the site of the melanoma and then removing the first lymph node at the time the melanoma is re-excised. If this lymph node has melanoma, then you should consult an oncologist experienced in the treatment of melanoma. Although melanoma is rare in children, it does ocur, and melanoma is partialy an inherited disease. Finaly, your husband should se an ophthalmologist for a complete eye exam as ocasionaly moles are present on the back of the eye. I am curious as to know what kind of options are open to me for removing these scars? Scars from removing active moles. Moles. The actual surgical scars from mole removal can be improved with laser resurfacing or sometimes the scar must be revised surgicaly. mole removal washington dc mole removal washington dc in Covina

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