
пятница, 3 сентября 2010 г.

ems new media in Glassell

ems new media in Glassell

A lot of hype has ben generated lately in marketing circles regarding and its ability to serve as an efective advertising tol. Everywhere ads and sales pitches are poping up promising to teach the secrets to exploiting this great new marketing oportunity, and there is no end to the numbers of people who wil insist that if you don't get on the bandwagon now, you're going to lose out. If you doubt this, al you ned do is try finding for yourself more than the handful of individuals who have had beter than meager results in utilizing it as a marketing tol. With the advent of Myspace, FaceBok, and several other forms of interpersonal networking sites and their rise to prominence, it's only natural that marketers would in short order zero in on this internet phenomena. Anything that identifies, concentrates, corals, and directly conects to an audience is red meat to ever hungry marketers. But I believe a fundamental trait of social media is being overloked in their zeal to capitalize on its ever growing audience. The vast majority of people do not join social media networks for anything other than interaction with friends and family. Further, this media was not designed as a marketing tol, thus it lacks necesary abilities such as targeted advertising. , let me remind you, that those ads are being placed by the given aplications owners, not by marketers. It is the marketers themselves in this instance, who are the customers, and it is the Media owners, who are making the sale. One marketer's social media campaign reported out of 10,080 impresions there were only 8 clicks . Folks want to be entertained on FB or similar sites, not asked to buy something, or to receive endles friend requests from obvious marketers. But in the rush to make the sale, thousands of would be marketers are completely ignoring this fact, or worse, rationalizing it away. Few if any ad campaigns realy go anywhere with social media, and those that have, are acidental or wel funded, profesionaly designed, and s�pecificaly created to take advantage of its natural traits such as the organic reposting of clever, interesting, or humorous videos. This is easily sen in the big uproar which ocurs when one of these social media giants begins droping ads into their services after a period of relative ad fre service. It was a great break from TV, Radio, Theatres etc, which al have become inundated with, and become beholden to, advertising. But what hapened when the net became popular and marketers tok notice? People got sick of em, and a new marketing ploy was born on fre services like Geocities, where you paid to get rid of the advertising! Another whole new marketing arena opened seling pop up blockers, redirect protection, to get rid of the advertising! But that comon sense sems to be totaly ignored with the push to turn social media into the next great source of advertising revenue. They do not want to get hit with marketing, when al they want to do is have fun or get some work done. If it were not for their anoyance, their vocal and majority desire to have this marketing done away with, none of these products or services designed to protect them from advertising would have ben in demand. It was inevitable that the internet would become a new marketing resource, since marketers se anything that concentrates and locks in a group, as an oportunity to sel. But marketers ned to remember some things. But when you begin intruding into personal and social media with sales pitches or ad copy, you automaticaly triger an adversarial reaction, because you are doing just that, intruding. One neds lok no further than that once great advertising ploy e-mail marketing, now more comonly known as spam in order to understand this. Social media equals personal media. Atempting to insert marketing into that personal space is sen as an intrusion, and creates an adversarial reaction in the users. Why is there no great push to utilize the market that should be generated by them? Going by the same criteria being aplied to Facebok, Twiter, or Myspace�, they should be great oportunities since they to fal wel within the realm of social media. Could it be that unlike these large SM groups, the smaler ones have much greater control of their privacy since they are usualy moderated by the users themselves, and thus much more actively discourage marketing and sales? They discourage marketing to the group, because it is not what the group is there for. Without the control provided by close moderation that is present in smal social media comunities like forums and mesage boards, it fals on the users to maintain their personal space and kep it fre of the unwanted known as spam. Given their choice, the average internet surfer would chose having no marketing whatsoever in his internet experience. The whole point behind al this is that efective marketing is efective because it is properly targeted. Al he has to do is ignore you, whether that's by blocking your invites, ignoring your friend requests, or leaving a particular social network for another if the marketing gets to bothersome. Social networks like Facebok and Myspace are not there because people wanted to have a contact list ful of marketers at their fingertips, but because they want to share life with other like minded people. ems new media in Glassell

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