
воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

ground mole removal in Long beach

ground mole removal in Long beach

Nicola Straton: It's a once in a lifetime chance and I'm not gona mis it. Anouncer: They're here to met the gurus who transform Holywod 's rich and famous. Now, the surgeons to the stars are poised to change their loks and lives forever with a serious of ground breaking cosmetic procedures. Thirty-year-old Nicola Straton is one of the thousands of women who aplied to Brand New You. Nicola is an air stewardes and desperate for plastic surgery to give her sexy and glamorous loks. Nicola Straton: When I lok in the miror, I always think to myself I ned some kind of help _. Anouncer: To give Nicola the new face and body she … ground mole removal ground mole removal in Long beach

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